What is Link BuildingLink building is one of the most important SEO strategies to get hyperlinks from other websites. It is one of the best outreach strategies to get higher ranks on search engines. A hyperlink (or a link) is clicked by users usually which allows them to navigate between pages on the internet. Link building also helps Google search crawlers to understand that a particular page offers good, relevant information to users. Search engines will rank your page accordingly. Not all hyperlinks are built by SEO professionals. Some links are created for a wide range of reasons. For example, a journalist writing a story will put a hyperlink that leads to a source. A coffee blogger will link a local coffee machine vendor while writing about the best coffee machines. This is what SEO demands. Acquiring links without asking for them. It happens when you have a website that is link-worthy. It will reap benefits for the website for a long term. When you offer high-quality products or services, people will link those pages while they are writing for something relevant. Link building is a broad term and there are many link building approaches you can use to get long term benefits. In this post, we will discuss basic and advanced link building approaches that can help your website to rank higher on search engine results. Doesn’t it look simple and straightforward? WaitThe process seems simpler, but the

white hat link building practice is not as simple as it looks. 

There are many things you need to consider while approaching, writing, and posting guest posts. 

I think it would be good to present some link building statistics to show you the true power of link building practices. 

Google’s Andrey Lipattsev admits that link building is one of the three major ranking factors in Google. If you want a website page to rank high on Google search engine results, you need to have quality backlinks from high-authority websites. 

Also, 51% of SEO marketers said that they had seen positive effects on rankings within one to three months after adopting SEO link building services. 

Furthermore, 52% of SEO marketers believe that brand mentions impact organic search engine rankings. 

What do these statistics reveal? 

You cannot have an SEO strategy without a powerful

link building strategy incorporated in it. 

What are the advantages and importance of link building?

There are some unmatched advantages of adopting a white label link building strategy. Let’s discuss some of them:

Benefits of Link Building


The primary purpose of link building is not just to drive more traffic to your website.

You also need to focus on improving your brand credibility. 

When you have high quality backlinks redirecting to your website, Google will understand that you are providing truthful, relevant information to your audience. 

It will create an authoritative presence online for your brand. Now, when someone is looking for industry-relevant information, they will look up to you. It will improve your credibility, and as a result, you will see massive, genuine traffic on your website. 

Ensure that you get ten high-quality backlinks from 10 different authoritative domains rather than ten backlinks from just one domain. It will ensure Google that you are not employing any black hat link building practices.


As we have discussed above, Google considers high quality backlinks while ranking your website. Without link building, you are not likely to see genuine leads on your website. 

Experts believe that it is almost impossible for Google to rank you at the top search results if you don’t have any backlinks. 

No matter how content-rich your webpages are, if you want to rank higher on SERPs, you need to have high quality backlinks from high-authority domains. 


Yes, link building tactics will help you drive relevant audiences from industry authority websites to your website. When you post an article or blog on a high-authority domain, people will indeed read it, and if they find content informative, they will visit your website. 

It leads to higher site metrics and SEO scores. 


Genuine SEO link building services ensure higher domain authority (DA), higher domain rating (DR), higher page rank (PR), higher Alexa rank, and many more. It will improve your website score and also aid in visibility and exposure. 

Superior revenue opportunities and sales 


When you get more traffic from manual link building techniques, you will surely get more conversions and more opportunities for revenue generation. More potential customers will come to your website, and you just need to convert leads into conversions. It will lead to more sales and revenues. 

Improved relationships within your niche


By submitting guest posts on high-authority industry-relevant websites, you are bonding closely with authority players in your sector. Such link building campaigns will result in stronger partnerships with influencers and industry leaders. It will also open up possibilities and opportunities for potential collaborations and partnerships. 

Have an authoritative online presence 


When you offer engaging and educative information to users, they will look up to you when looking for industry news or information. It will improve your authority in your industry, and you will be mentioned as a trusted figure. High quality link building services will benefit you to be an industrial leader. 

A link building strategy is a comprehensive plan to build backlinks for the website. You need to sit with your SEO team to design a powerful link building strategy that works for your business. You can use different

link building techniques and strategies to get high quality backlinks. No matter which strategy or tactic you use, as long as you are getting quality backlinks. 

Some basic link building strategies are common. These essential backlinks are also crucial to get the most out of them. 

You cannot just ignore them and make your move towards advanced link building. 

Let’s see some of the basic link building practices that you need to follow:

Profile Submission


There are many profile submission websites you can find on the internet. It is one of the best link building strategies to link back to your business website. 

Profile submission links are free authority links you can use to rank higher on Google SERPs. 

It also helps businesses to improve their brand visibility and awareness online. 

Business Listing


Like profile submission, you can list your business to many business listing websites to get a backlink in return. 

Most of the time, the business listing is free. However, some websites might ask you for a nominal fee for allowing business listing on their portals. 

Local Business Listing

Question & Answer


Many people are participating on websites where you can answer some questions asked by random users. You need to be on the website and answer all niche-relevant queries, and you can get a backlink from there. 

Question and Answers

Web 2.0


If you are an SEO professional, you must have heard about web 2.0 submissions, one of the best types of backlinks. It is a form of link building. Here, you need to sign up at websites that are typically not limited to social micro-blogging websites. 

Once you are signed up, you will be allocated a subdomain to blog and publish links to your website. 

Web 2.0

Blog Commenting


It is one of the best types of backlinks for SEO. You need to visit different industry-relevant blogs and articles on the internet and comment on the blogs where you find heavy traffic. You can write in the blog comment section about the article, additional information related to the topic, news, and other information. 

Blog Comments

Forum Submission


There are many online forums dedicated to your business where you can get the latest information and news. Forum submission on those online discussion websites can get you backlinks. 

Here, you can participate in the discussions and comment about the topic. People who are satisfied with your submissions will get a link to visit your website. These discussion websites are flooded with people to learn or know something. You can comment there and earn backlinks. 

Forum Submission

Pdf & PPT Submission


You can ask your content writers to make a PDF document or a PPT for a particular topic. Once they have been completed, you can submit them to high-authority websites, and you can get backlinks from them. 

Image & Infographic Sharing


Also, there are many image sharing websites, such as Pinterest, where you can post images and infographics to drive more traffic to your website. Ensure that you develop high-quality, original, and high-definition images and infographics to lure your target audience. 

Image Sharing

Classified Submission


We all know what business classifieds are. There are dedicated classified websites where you can sign up and submit your business classifieds. Here, when someone visits the classified website, they will come to know about your company, and by clicking on the link, they will be redirected to your website. 

Classified Submission

Social Bookmarking


As the name suggests, it is all about bookmarking a web page on your browser. You can read it later. Such social bookmarking is identified by Google crawlers and tells them that the content is valuable. It also boosts your ranking on keywords related to your business.

Social Bookmarking

So these are some basic link building strategies that you need to know about. These strategies are very common amongst digital marketers and are practiced mainly by SEO professionals. 

Now, we will move towards the most critical and advanced link building strategies that can offer unparalleled advantages to websites for rankings and traffic. 

Advance Link BuildingWhat we have discussed in the earlier section are old-school, fundamental

link building tactics. You will see some improvements in some cases if you practice those strategies. 

Guest blogging, blog commenting, forum discussions, questions-answers, social media sharing, and other basic link building strategies work to a certain degree. 

You need to understand and practice advanced link building strategies that can offer some astonishing results. We will discuss advanced link building strategies in detail.

There are various types of advanced link building strategies you can adopt. Some of them are:

  • Guest posting
  • Broken Link building
  • Resource Link Building 
  • Skyscraper Link Building 
  • Infographic Link Building 
  • Competitor Link Building 
  • Haro Link Building 

 Let’s discuss one by one to explain to you about strategies in detail. 

Guest Posting 

Now, you need to pay attention. This is a big thing. Guest posting is one of the most crucial

link building tactics that can work like a magic wand of Harry Potter for your business. 

If practiced rightly, guest posting can open floodgates of traffic for your business. 

We have published a comprehensive Guest Post Marketing guide to give you an in-depth understanding of it. You can visit to know more. 

What is Guest Posting?


Also known as Guest Blogging, guest posting is all about writing content for another website. Once you approach a relevant website and request them to allow blog writing, you can write a catchy, relevant, informative, and original blog and submit it to them once they approve.

The main aims of guest posting are:

  • To attract more traffic back to your website
  • To boost the domain authority of your website using external links from high-authority domains
  • To increase brand credibility and awareness
  • To build good relationships and partnerships with industry peers. 

It is a

type of link building technique that offers mutual benefits for both the guest blogger and the hosting website.

A Referral Rock published a study about Guest Posting, and the results are outstanding. They have surveyed to ask digital marketing experts about their guest posting strategies. The answers were worth reading. 

More than half of the respondents agreed that they write 1 to 5 guest posts per month. 

56% of the respondents revealed that they approach multiple websites for guest posting. 

Furthermore, Gregory Ciotti successfully added more 36,733 qualified subscribers to add in his email list through dedicated guest blogging practices. 

These statistics are fascinating and convince you to create your guest posting strategy now, aren’t they? 

Let’s discuss some of the benefits and importance of guest posting in SEO.

Guest posting gives you more content to post 


When you are an expert in what you do, you have so many things to share with your target audience—expert tips, strategies, product or service information, to name a few. 

When you decide to go for guest posting, you can develop different content ideas to share with your target audience. 

You can write valuable, original, and highly informative blogs to enrich your potential customers who would love to visit your website if they find information genuine and authentic. 

Guest posting allows you to share your knowledge with other industry peers who have no idea who you are. It gives you a chance to let them know about your offerings. 

However, if you are not good at writing, you can hire professional content writing services. You can find many content writing agencies on the internet, including Link Publishers, one of the best content writing service providers. 

Guest posting increases traffic and reach


Guest posting is a type of Link building strategies that allows you to build a high authority backlinks list. When you practice guest posting for multiple websites, and more frequently, you can cover different informative topics. 

It will expand your audience undoubtedly. 

Hire content writer who belongs to the same industry or offers professional writing services for your niche. 

Guest Post Traffic

Guest posting gives your readers a different diverse point of view


When you cover unconventional topics in your guest posting efforts, it will give your audience a different perspective on certain aspects. 

Choose topics that are never covered by anyone in your industry circuit and give your opinions about them. It will enrich their knowledge, and you would be able to encase from their excitement. 

Guest posts offer SEO benefits


Guest posting offers some astonishing SEO benefits. Even Google considers websites with high quality backlinks while ranking sites. 

In addition to that, guest posting also offers plenty of content to the index to search engines. Even guest posting websites can benefit by allowing different topics to be covered on their websites. 

For example, you are in a food niche and share recipes and cooking instructions on your website. When you get a guest post on some Indian delicious curry from an Indian website, it will give your readers fascinating content to read, and some long-tail keywords will boost your SEO as well. 

Guest posting helps build authority


The advantages we covered for link building are similar to guest posting benefits. Remember, guest posting is the advanced link building technique. When you adopt a guest posting strategy, you will strengthen your authority in the relevant industry by sharing precious, unique, and quality posts. 

You will be considered an expert in the market, and you will have a reputation as a source of information. 

How to approach guest posting?

Guest posting is all about building backlinks from high-authority domains. Just approaching random websites for guest posting will serve no purpose. You need to ensure that you have a predefined guest posting approach that works in your favor. Let’s discuss some of the steps when you decide to go for guest posting. 

Know your goals 


The first and foremost thing to do is to define your goals. What are your goals for guest posting? What are your marketing goals? What are your outreach goals? Do you want to drive more traffic to your website? Do you want to educate your target audience? Do you want more people to take action on a particular page? 

Once you have a goal in mind, the guest posting journey will be smooth sailing for you. 

Find relevant, high-authority domains


The next step is to choose high-authority domains where you want to publish your guest posts. You can do it by yourself, or you can hire guest posting services

If you search on the internet, you will find many industry-relevant websites allowing guest posts. All you need to do is to approach them for guest posting. 

You can also find a guest post marketplace where you can discover niche-specific guest post websites. 

Write For Us

Choose a unique, winning topic


Now that you have decided which guest post website you want to approach, you need to choose a topic approved by the guest post. 

There are plenty of topics to choose from. Ask the content writing services provider you have hired to come up with industry-specific guest post topics. 

A topic must be unique, informative, and must cover something that anyone has not covered earlier. Or you can come up with a known topic with a different perspective. In short, your topic must have some value to offer to your target audience. 

Make your pitch 


Now the next step is to prepare a pitch. Draft an email with all necessary details, including your website, services you offer, the guest post topic you have decided on, and other information. 

Guest Post Pitch

Write Great Content


Once you get approval from the hosting website, write great content. Cover all the things that you want in the content to make it more polished and informative.

We suggest you hire content writing services. Link Publishers is a leading name offering high-quality content writing services. They have a team of content writers who will develop error-proof, SEO-friendly, and highly readable content with good originality and engagement. 

Work on Bio 


The bio you are writing is essential. The bio will reveal about your business and what services you offer to them. Add details related to your business, the services you offer, and other important things. 

Author Bio

If you don’t have an in-house facility for guest posting, you can also buy guest posts Services. 

Many professional guest post services providers can offer you professional guest posting services. They are professionals in the field, and you can rely on their competency and expertise.

Link Publishers – The Best Guest Post Marketplace 

Are you not able to find high-authority websites for guest posting?Do you want to invite industry-specific websites to approach you for guest posting?For both of them, businesses that want guest post outreach and websites that want to invite guest posts on their domains, a guest post marketplace is the best solution. A

guest post marketplace is a platform where both the purposes are solved. 

A guest post marketplace allows businesses to find industry-specific websites where they can approach and submit guest posts. 

And at the same time, it allows hosting websites to find potential guest post outreach. 

Link Publishers is one of the leading guest post marketplaces has made it simple and easy to find and buy niche relevant guest post within Minutes.

Here, you will find all types of industry niches for which you want to write.

Why spend time finding guest post websites when you have a platform where you can find industry-specific websites so easily? 

Yes, the process is straightforward. 

All you need to do is to follow simple steps to register. Let’s discuss this quickly. 

  • First of all, you need to visit Linkpublishers.com.
    Link Publishers
  • Now, you need to sign up and verify your email. 
    Link Publishers Sign Up
  • Once you have signed up, you can find niche-specific websites for guest posting.
    Niche Website
  • Link Publishers also allow you to check the statistics of a website you want to approach.
  • Now, select a website you want to approach and fill in up details.
    Order Details
  • Once you do it, you need to submit the request and place the order.
    Order Place
  • Check the order status after a day or two.
    Order Status

Isn’t it fantastic to find the most relevant websites for guest post outreach rather than spending time and efforts to find industry-specific websites? With Link publishers, the best

guest post marketplace, you are getting everything under one roof. 

We strongly recommend visiting link publishers and start finding high-authority domains for your guest post outreach.

Now that we have discussed guest posting in detail, we will discuss other advanced guest posting tactics. 


link building for SEO is one of the most powerful link building tactics that involve using broken backlinks from different pages across the web. 

You can use the best seo link building tools such as Ahrefs or Semrush to find out any broken links present on a page or not. 

How to do it? 

  • First of all, you need to type a keyword related to your business. 
  • The search operators will find the most popular blogs or content publishers for the business niche. 
  • When you get results, click on Dofollow backlinks and study the list of pages linked back to the page. 
  • Now, you need to filter the results by eliminating educational resources by 404 using Screaming Frog

Now that you have relevant results with broken links, you can reach out to publishers and let them know that you have found a broken link, and it can be replaced with high-quality relevant, original and fresh content. 

Though it is considered one of the preferred, advanced guest posting approaches, the success rate for this link building is lower compared to others. However, SEO professionals prefer this link building approach because of the quality of website traffic the resource

link building for SEO brings to the website.

In addition to that, it also improves the authority of your website. 

The Resource link building approach requires manual outreach. 

Here, an SEO professional first uses different search methods to find existing resources for industry-specific services and products with ultra-specific listings. 

Now that you have a list of resource pages suitable for your industry, you can approach the author and ask for a mention. Email the author about how your business adds value to customers and ask what you can do to qualify for the list. 

Brian Dean is the founder of this link building strategy. He revealed this approach in 2015 with a success rate of 11% and double organic traffic in just 14 days. He named the technique Skyscraper Link Building approach. Since its inception, the technique took the SEO industry by storm. Many renowned

link building experts practice this approach to get high quality backlinks.

How does it work?

The skyscraper link building approach is where SEO professionals first find popular content, improve it and replicate the backlinks. 

Find a piece of content with lots of backlinks.

Now, hire a content writer and ask him/her to come up with something better. 

Request the host of the original piece to link to your content instead. 

If you ask for link building tips for this approach, choose an existing piece of content with lots of backlinks and write fresh content that is highly relevant, original, and engaging. Find the loopholes in the current content and write better to attract your target audience. 

Infographics are easy to read and save a lot of time for visitors. It can play a crucial role in your link building strategy while offering you high-quality backlinks. 

The best thing about infographics is that you will keep getting organic traffic on your website and earn high-quality backlinks without asking for them. 

A study reveals that infographics generate 37.5% more backlinks than a standard blog post.

How can you ignore such a link building tactic? 

How to do it? 

Let the content writer and graphic designer work together to develop a fresh, relevant, and original infographic. 

Now, find guest post websites that allow infographic content. 

Approach them as you approach for a blog post and publish your infographic. 

Remember that if you hire a professional infographic designer, it might be a costly affair for you. 

You need to come up with a unique infographic that is catchy, impressive, and shareable. 

You can also go for Gifographic, where GIFs are used instead of static images. 

It is important to know what your competitors are doing, especially when you are doing SEO. WebpageFX reveals that 46.2% of digital marketers think a site ranks highly in the search engines because of backlinks. When you are working on your guest post outreach campaign, your only motive should be to get as many backlinks from high authority websites as you can. Why check your competitors’ backlinks?The main reason is to stay on top of the race you are participating in. If you find out that your competitors are ranking higher than you in the search engines, it simply means that they are doing something right that you need to adopt. By checking out competitors’ backlinks, you would understand where they are approaching guest posting. You can approach those guest post websites with better content. Spying on your competitors is the best and the most powerful thing that you can do. Check out which keywords are ranking for your competitors, from where their best links are coming, and what they are doing as far as link building is concerned.You can amend your existing link building campaign accordingly. Never miss out on competitor analysis. It is a must thing for any SEO professional. 


If you stay updated with the latest updates and news, Haro is not a new name for you. Haro is a free, dedicated service for journalists where it offers a robust database of sources for stories for valuable media coverage. HARO (Help a Reporter Out) can earn you high quality backlinks from authority news sites. Here, you don’t have to outreach to people, but journalists will come to you. You need to remember that big media outlets and players such as Mashable, Time, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times are using HARO. 

Here, apart from getting quality high authority backlinks, you are also getting press coverage. 

How does it work?

  • Sign up as a source. 
  • Once you are done with signing up, you will get three emails a day- at 5:35 a.m., 12:35 p.m., and 5:35 p.m. ET from Monday to Friday.
  • The emails will be categorized into different categories. 
  • Now go through topics and choose a topic where you want to contribute to. 

Wrapping Up 

So this is time to wrap up. We have covered almost all link building strategies, including basic and advanced ones. By going through this blog, you will understand what link building is, the importance and

benefits of guest posting for link building, basic link building strategies, what guest posting is, what is a guest post marketplace, and advanced link building tactics. 

Link building is one of the most crucial aspects of SEO. If you don’t have an in-house team, you can hire an SEO link building company offering link building services

Ensure that you follow white label link building techniques and avoid blackhatlinks from low-authority websites. 

In addition to that, you can also buy quality guest post from a guest post marketplace such as Link Publishers

Link Publishers is a name to remember when looking for niche relevant guest posting sites where you can post your guest posts and get quality backlinks. 

It is the best platform for both- businesses that want to outreach for guest posting and websites that want to invite guest posts. 

Apart from that, Link Publishers offer high-quality content writing services as well. If you want to write guest posts, PR, articles, or web 2.0s for your business, you can hire content writing services

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