How to do an SEO Audit?It is probably a question in most business owners’ mindS who have an online presence of their venture, precisely a website! Although we know there are several benefits of website audit SEO, not a lot of us know how we can do an effective website SEO audit? Well, many of us know about the best SEO audit tools but do all of us know how we can implement them? Well, believe it or not, there lies a big confusion about this. With so many thoughts and myths around, 78% of online marketers don’t know the real facts regarding how to do an SEO audit. So, with an expertise of working in the SEO niche for so many years, we have come up with this blog where we will comprehensively discuss the SEO audit checklist.Without any more ado, let us start.Before diving into a detailed discussion, we will start with the basics.

What is SEO Audit?

An SEO audit or Search Engine Optimization audit is an effective process of identifying different problems that can forbid your website from ranking at the top of the search engines like Google. The SEO audit is often described as the process of SEO analysis in which the online relevancy of a website is modified and strengthened.A successful SEO audit will examine different components of your website like Google Adwords, the configuration of analytics, keywords density, keyword analysis, content-specific problems, social media engagement, and the analysis of backlinks and indexing.So, can you imagine how thorough is the concept of SEO link audit or SEO audit?Well, it can benefit you in different amazing ways! If you don’t know how to conduct a website audit, you are missing out on something important.

Why is SEO Audit Crucial?

SEO Audit ReportSEO audit is very important for your website through which your business can avoid:

  • Losing organic traffic due to issues in the website health
  • The improper indexing of your website. So, the searchers won’t be able to find your website
  • Losing the lucrative sales opportunities
  • Losing the competitive edge of your company in comparison to other brands
  • Penalties from Google for having harmful backlinks

Summing it up and an on-page SEO audit can reveal different problems your website is facing. It will help you solve these issues to transform your brand’s online presence remarkably. Isn’t it amazing?You can take your website to the next level with an SEO audit report in hand! 

The Important SEO Audit Tools You Need

Whether it is an ahrefs site audit or semrush site audit, you should know and explore the important tools to help you finish the process successfully. If you have the right SEO website audit tool, it becomes easy for you to understand, analyze, and work on the major issues that your website might be facing.There might be many SEO audit tools, but the below five are the most popular and effective ones that you can’t afford to miss!They are:

  • SEMrush Site Audit Tool – This tool is used for understanding a detailed view of your website and its performance. It gives you an overall picture.
    semrush seo audit
  • Google PageSpeed Insights: PageSpeed Insights is one of the major SEO audit tools that can help you measure the performance of your website both on mobile and desktop platforms.
    Pagespeed Insights
  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics is an amazing SEO audit tool that provides you with insights and metrics about the performance of your website in the search engine.
    Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console: This tool can help you understand whether your website is indexed perfectly and how it appears in the search engine results.
    google search console
  • Google Schema Markup Testing Tool: If you want to build a schema for your website, you will have to ensure that you are creating the code without errors. And the Google Schema Markup Testing tool can be helpful in this scenario, allowing you to test and verify whether your schema has any mistakes.
    Schema markup

How to do an SEO Audit?

It is crucial to understand every bit of the process – how to do a website audit? So, here we are with a step-by-step guide. A website audit checklist like the one below is a must if you want to boost the SEO of your website and rank it on the first page of the search engine.So, we have discussed the basic steps below. But you need to ensure to enhance or cut down the steps depending upon the size of your website. We will be discussing the steps of doing the SEO audit of your website with SEMrush’s site audit tool.

How can you do an SEO audit and get the website audit report?

  • Open the Site Audit tool.
  • Click the ‘Setup’ button present next to an existing project.
  • You can either do the above second step or click on the ‘Add new project’ button available at the top right of your screen.
  • Fill in all the fields in the site audit settings sections. The basic settings that you need to fill in are ‘Limit of checked pages’ and ‘Crawl source.’
  • In some cases, you might have to remove the URL parameters, pass on the restrictions, etc.
  • Next, you need to start your website audit using SEMrush’s SEO audit software and let the crawler run through your website.
  • Once the crawling is over, you will see a dashboard displaying all the findings.  

So, it is super-easy to do an SEO audit. Isn’t it?But when we dig in, there are detailed steps of SEO audit. If you are using the SEMrush’s Site Audit Tool, here’s what you need to know:seo audit                                              Source – semrush.comAlthough there are tons of other tools to do an SEO audit, the basic process and steps remain the same. So, with the above information, we have undoubtedly provided you with an idea of how to do an SEO audit.

Who Can Benefit from SEO Audit?

An SEO audit is one of the most powerful tools every marketer should leverage. But many people often don’t have a pro-level understanding of who can benefit from an SEO audit. We will solve this problem today and provide you with enough information.So, an SEO audit can be helpful if you are:

  • An SEO Consultant

If you are an SEO consultant by profession whose objective is to empower clients about your website, an SEO audit is important for you. It will act as a valuable source for you. 

  • SEO People and Digital Marketers

A digital marketer can use the audit as a guiding source to make informed decisions before starting a new SEO campaign.

  •  Brand Owners

If you want to understand how your business website works, you can use an SEO audit tool. It can be used for diagnostic purposes in this kind of scenario.This is not all. Many other people can benefit from an SEO audit. An SEO website audit is basically for anyone and everyone! One thing remains absolutely clear: every SEO campaign is incomplete without an SEO audit. It is the biggest cornerstone.

How Long Will You Take to Perform an SEO Audit?

There is no one specific answer to this question! It can vary a lot. A couple of the most important factors that play an important role here are the size of your website and the depth of your audit. People might allot several days to several weeks to conduct an in-detail SEO website audit.SEO audits take a very long time because of a lot of work that one has to do manually. It starts by compiling data into a spreadsheet specially dedicated for SEO audit, manually analyzing the gathered insights, and recommending actionable steps following the analysis.But all you need to do is act smart to reduce the time required for an SEO audit. The process can be pretty straightforward. The main thing is that you have to choose the right SEO audit tool. It can help you complete the audit quickly and make the process far more efficient and professional.

How Many Types of SEO Audits are There?

Type of SEO AuditSuccessful SEO audits may cover various aspects of your SEO implementation strategy. So, SEO specialists perform multiple types of SEO audits when it comes to this concept. They are:

  • Local SEO Audit
  • Technical SEO Audit
  • SEO Content Audit
  • SEO Link Audit

What are the Key Takeaways to Start with SEO Audit?

SEO audit for websites is a major part of routine maintenance. It is the main way to keep an eye on whether your website is performing well or needs an extra push to perform better on search results.Before you start with an SEO audit, you must consider the below takeaways:

  • Don’t think that SEO is merely just a step-by-step guide. Remember, this is a process of providing diagnosis and recommendation. So, you need to decide your strategy as per your needs. There is no pre-defined concept.
  • Don’t limit yourself to a definite number of audits in a month or year.
  •  Don’t be slow while performing your SEO audit. You don’t have to spend multiple days or weeks doing an audit. Rather, use a smart tool to generate quick results and an actionable quick SEO report.
  • Don’t do guesswork. Focus on SEO reporting software and believe in the insights you get from that. They are proven data, and you can rightly use them for maximum benefits.
  • Concentrate on the foundations like security, SEO, social activity, and usability while doing an SEO audit of your website

So, this was all about the important details of the SEO audit that you must keep in mind. It will help you make sure your website is well-optimized all the time.However, you can trust us with your SEO audit needs to save some of your valuable time.

Link PublishersLink Publishers is your trusted #1 guest post marketplace. We offer premium quality guest posting services and SEO services. At Link Publishers, you can buy guest posts with maximum ease. Our guest post services are straightforward, affordable, and result-oriented.Moreover, we are not only limited to guest posting. We do high-end SEO audits as well. Our professional SEO audit team is skilled enough to carry out all the relevant work in an efficient way. It helps you achieve 100% authentic results and a completely optimized world-class website for your business.What’s more, we also provide excellent content writing services. So, if you want to hire a content writer, you can trust Link Publishers.

Wrapping Things Up

There you are! We have come to an end. This was all about how to do an SEO audit perfectly and everything else about it. Do you have questions about SEO audits?Let us talk soon!We will be happy to use our expertise and skills to do the best website auditing for you and help you take your business to another level.

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