Traditional marketing approaches are good, but people, nowadays, search for products and services on their costly and highly-advanced smartphones. That is the reason enterprises and businesses focus more on reaching out to this chunk as it is becoming larger with time. This new approach is called digital marketing and has many branches such as SEO, PPC, social media marketing, email marketing, etc.

Search engine optimization has carved a niche by offering some unparalleled benefits to digital marketers. It is not an option anymore for brand marketers but a necessity.

If you want to bring genuine users to your website interested in your offerings, you need to adopt an SEO strategy to rank your website on the top of search engine results.

An ideal SEO strategy has many components, such as website optimization, content creation and distribution, on-page and off-page optimization, social media marketing, and others. However, in recent times, guest posting in SEO has turned out to be the most successful SEO practice globally to bring the right visitors to your website.

What is guest blogging or guest posting? What do you need to learn about the Guest Post Marketplace? What is there for your brand? If you are a person who does not have any idea about what guest blogging is, this straightforward guest posting guide is for you. Stay tuned!

Introduction about the Guest Posting

In simple terms, guest posting in SEO is about writing content for another website. Here, a company like Link Publishers or a Guest Post Marketplace reaches out to other industry-relevant companies and requests them for guest posting. Once the company accepts the request, the marketer will create a guest post and submit it.

In an ideal SEO strategy, guest blogging is one of the crucial practices that can bring some unmatched results. The practice of guest blogging in SEO offers great benefits to the brand, and at the same time, it is a cost-effective marketing tool compared to other promotional campaigns you might go for.

If you want to know more about what is guest blogging in SEO? you can refer to many online blogs, articles, and videos. When you write and submit a guest post to another high-authority website, your brand will be taken seriously by visitors and they will turn to you whenever they want information related to the industry.

Not just that, Google crawlers also offer more mileage to websites with a good number of high-authority backlinks while ranking them. A carefully planned guest blogging practice can improve your website’s domain authority, one of the vital components to rank on search engines.

What is the importance of guest posting in SEO?

Guest Posting in SEO

If you wonder why guest posting is crucial for your business, there are many reasons. We advise you to learn as much as you can about guest blogging before visitors take your brand seriously are big achievements practising it. It will clear all your confusion, and get a clearer understanding of the domain.

The first and foremost reason why guest blogging is important is that it makes you an authority figure within your industry when you post high-quality, informative, engaging, and original, industry-relevant posts. People will start following your brand and expect you when they want some education.

In addition to that, guest blogging also allows you to form relationships with other thought leaders and influencers in your industry. These influencers promoting or mentioning your brand in their networks is a big achievement. People will trust your brand and won’t hesitate to deal with you.

One thing that we need to mention here is that guest posting is not a one-way street. Even you can allow other companies to post their content on your blog. Visitors visit your blog to gain new information or educate themselves about industry-specific topics. Allowing other reputed brands to post on your blog will give your visitors new perspectives and fresh content. Your audience would also appreciate this.

Furthermore, if you have a reputed brand, you can also buy or sell guest post packages for other startups and new companies who want to post their content on your blog. By featuring guest posts, you will be able to keep your readers engaged and at the same time, you will receive relevant visitors to your website from the network of guest bloggers who have shared the published blog links with their network.

For guest posting, you can establish a team of content writers in your company or you can hire content marketing services from Link Publishers or a Content writing agency. Many content marketing agencies you can reach out to that offer high-quality content writing services. It will ensure that you have the right content on guest blogging websites.

When you hire content writers for your guest blogging activities, you need to ensure that they are well-versed with your industry and have prior experience in writing industry-specific blogs and articles.

What Are The Benefits And Impact Of Guest Posting In SEO?

Guest Blogging

Now that we have understood why guest posting is important, we will discuss some of the benefits and impacts of guest blogging in SEO.

Instant Exposure to Targeted Traffic

One of the biggest benefits of guest blogging is that you will start seeing traffic on your website when you post a top-quality post on a high-authority website. The most crucial thing in any online business is to get the right and relevant traffic and that’s what an engaging, original and educative guest post offer. However, you also need to ensure that your website is highly optimized to improve conversion rate once you get traffic due to your guest blogging efforts.

Guest blogging expands your personal and professional network

Guest blogging makes your personal and professional network strong as you can instantly connect with the industry influencers with the right guest blogging efforts.

High-authority websites, many a time, come up with debates, online webinars, and brainstorming sessions and invite industry influencers to discuss and debate on hot, industry topics. As a good contributor, you will likely be invented to such sessions if you are on their email list. It is a great opportunity to participate and discuss your views on any topic.

Furthermore, you can also collaborate with other industry influencers to co-author posts. You can discuss potential partnership opportunities once you contact these influencers. You can ask them for interviews or you can discuss how to do content cross-promotion for a win-win situation.

Guest blogging services allow you to enhance your influence by actively participating in community discussions.

Stimulate Social Media Shares

If you want to reach out to a large audience, you need to get social media shares. It is a sure-shot way to expand your online reach. When you post your guest blog on a website, ensure that it is highly shared to stay in the eyes of your audience.

Ask your SEO team to promote your guest blog aggressively to get maximum shares on different social media platforms. Also, you need to ensure that you market your blog on industry-relevant pages, groups, and domains.

Another way to get more shares for your post is to use highly shareable content such as the latest statistics, infographics, videos, and high-quality images. It will make the overall impact more powerful and you will get more shares for your posts.

Grow Your Social Media Following

Social media marketing and search engine optimization work hand-in-hand. You need to be active on different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. These social media platforms can bring genuine traffic to your website if you put genuine effort into it.

Ensure that your social media marketing campaign increases your genuine followers and the number of posts shared by them. When you post a guest blog and share it on your social media accounts, you will be more likely to get more visibility for your blog. Also, your social media followers will look up to you the next time they want information. Active social media followers will improve your web traffic and conversion rates.

Improve Your Online Authority

If your brand is not authoritative online, everything you do means nothing. Having an authoritative online presence is the need of the hour for any brand. If your target audience does not trust your brand, you will not get good results no matter how well you write content or practice other SEO activities.

When you contribute to other high-authority domains, your brand’s credibility will improve and you will be the information source in the eyes of your real audience. Your target audience will realize that you are the source of information that must be taken seriously. So, they will consider you when you give them any value proposition.

How Does Guest Blogging Impact SEO?

Impact of Guest BloggingWhen we see Guest

 Blogging Benefits, we will understand how guest blogging services impact your SEO practices. When you write for high-authority websites and post on their blog section, your domain authority will improve too. You will see that your SEO ranking is improving gradually.

However, the guest blogging practice must be followed carefully and with caution. There are chances that some spam bloggers request you to post their low-quality content on your post to get backlinks for their business. You need to keep a close eye on such approaches. It might hurt your brand and your rankings as well.

The main purpose of practicing guest blogging is to educate users about industry-specific topics and other content and get backlinks from the high-authority domain to rank on the top of the search engine results.

When Google finds out that other people are linking your blog back to their websites, it assumes that your blog has some value and is relevant and educational. When someone comments, shares or likes your blog, your page ranks higher.

However, one thing that you need to remember is that Google is smart. Never try to cram your guest blog posts with links and keywords. It will not get you good traffic and in the end, such practices will not establish you as an authority in your industry.

How Do I Get Started With Guest Blogging?

Now, we have reached the final stage of the post, it is all about how to start a guest posting or Where to Guest Post? However, before you start, you need to determine your expectations. Check out some blogs of your non-competitor companies to whom you can approach for guest post writing.

If you have some partners within the industry such as vendors, suppliers or distributors, you can start writing for them as part of the co-marketing strategy. However, the real thing starts when you approach companies with which you don’t have relationships with.

Ask your SEO team to research thoroughly about websites that have good domain authority. Remember, you will not get any guest blogging benefits if you approach and write companies with low domain authority.

Ensure that the companies you are reaching out to are not spam bloggers. There is a lot of spam companies you will find during your research. Stay away from them. Publishing spammy content on your blog will also affect your SEO rankings and domain authority.

Content Marketing Services play a huge role when it comes to guest blogging. You need to find native writers who can deliver high-quality content that is engaging, original, highly readable and relevant. Visitors come to any website to get some information. When they don’t get it, they will be annoyed.

Also, when you go for guest blogging, ensure that your content aligns with your business, offerings and personas. If not, guest blogging practices might hurt your brand.

Where to find guest posting opportunities?

Now that you have determined to go for guest blogging, you need to find guest post opportunities. Though you can find many websites that allow guest blogging, you need to find trustworthy and with good domain authority.

There are many guest post sites you will come across during your research. You don’t need to approach all of them. You need to scrutinize blog relevance, domain authority, company reviews and other parameters.

Some of the guest blogging sites are good and some are bad. You need to find blogs that accept guest posts and have good domain authority.

Here are some tips to know how to find guest blogging opportunities.

Google Search Operators is the best way to search for high-authority guest blogging websites. Some Google search operators write for us, guest post opportunities, suggest a post, submit an article, guest poster wanted, etc.

You can use these keywords with your industry-specific keyword such as accounting to find a list of websites that allow guest posting in the account domain.

Once you get a list of websites, you can check out guest posts they have submitted. It will give you a clear idea of whether the website fits for you or not. Some websites accept contributions from only very high prolific writers in their field. Your application might get rejected there.

You can also check out your competitors’ backlink profiles to check where they post guest posts. You can use SEO tools such as SEMrush to check your competitors’ backlink profiles.

Also, you can check out the social media feeds of your competitors to know whether they have recently shared any guest posts or not. If a website accepts guest posts from your competitor, it will accept you as well.

Moreover, many guest posting sites are actively looking for guest contributions. You can reach out to them for guest posting. Also, you can join online communities to check out what is happening in your industry and which websites offer guest blogging opportunities.


Guest blogging is one of the best practices to get high-quality backlinks to rank your website in Google SERPs. Many agencies you can find offer high-quality guest posting services to companies. If you don’t have an in-house setup, you can reach out to these agencies for professional help.

Also, you can check out the Link Publishers – Guest Post Marketplace to submit your guest posts. If you know of any guest posting websites, you can reach out to them and request for guest blogging.

Ensure that you submit high-quality content to these guest posting sites to attract your target audience to your website. With real and meaningful guest blogging practice, you will gradually see improved traffic and conversions.

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